Saturday, April 15, 2006

Castles In The Air

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Well, what do you know.... I finally have a new set of pics up after a very long time. Yes, my apologies to all who frequently come back to see what's new or to count the spiders that have made my blog their home. I read recently on the net that one of the important things to have a good blog was to update it regularly, like at least 3 times a week. I guess I fail on many counts going by that standard. Ha.

Anyway, what about castles? Well, they remind me of dreams... dreaming castles in the air. Well, while that is a saying which refers more to daydreaming than anything else, DREAMS on the other hand, are quite something else. I'm not talking about those that we have at night where we imagine ourselves as superman flying all over the HDB flats (I do sometimes), but rather those that we have in life.

Many of us have dreams. But few of us dare to chase after these dreams. We think we are not good enough for our dreams. Too stupid, too timid, too small, too powerless, too lazy. After a while, we think, "Nah... dreams are not for me. I'm just good and comfortable the way I am. Let someone else dream." So... what about sandcastles? They are equally fleeting, swept away by the constant beating of the waves. Yet, with the right technique, the right combination of sand, water and pressure, something so minute and small can turn into such a breathtaking piece of art.

Do you have a dream? I dare you to have one today. Why do I have so much confidence in you, you might ask. I don't. But I have confidence in the God who created you, who fashioned you in His image, the one who knew you even before the foundations of the world. Do you know this God? I dare you to know Him today. Only He can make your dreams come through the way they were meant to. He was the one who put them there in the first place. I dare to dream. Because I know my castles are not in the air. They are anchored solid in the one who gave me the dreams. Would you come dream with me?

Joshua Teo


Anonymous said...

you imagine yourself as superman flying over HDB flats?? we gotta get you new superhero dreams haha!

but see the thing is this, daring to dream can sometimes be scary. it's all too easy to see reality instead of through eyes of faith. and sometimes when your dreams have been dashed, it's hard to dare to dream again...

Anonymous said...

What's the alternative? To not dream? If you think about it, it is more worth it taking the risk to dream again rather than leaving the rest of your life in midiocrity. No dream is a stoll in the park. That's why it's a dream right? Obstacles and difficulties are bound to come by. They are guaranteed to. And since we are both believers, if God is for us, who can be against us?

Look at it this way, each battle we win, each river we cross serves to make us stronger so that we might reach that dream one day. Without all these, we will probably never make it there. Be encouraged. We run not in our confidence for like Paul says in the bible, "What do we have to boast of?" But when we go in the confidence of God our King, our maker, our provider, our creator,

Anonymous said...

we learn to tap into and infinite pool of resoruce! What is your dream? Don't lose hope. God can make it happen for you.

Anonymous said...

oh no... i wasn't intending to give up dreaming. afterall like in langston hughes poem, not having dreams would make life like a broken winged bird and barren field. still seeking God. afterall with Him all things are possible right?

Anonymous said...

Amen to that! Perhaps you could share with me a little about your dream? Then we can encourage each other! :)

Anonymous said...

hmm... i think in a nutshell i just need a breakthrough in my life...

btw did you shave your head again? haha!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes I did! I quite like the haircut this time round!!! Ha ha hah a.. Got quite a few positive feedbacks on it toO! Positive as in.. "cool!" "I like your haircut!" etc. ha ha ha What kind of breakthrough are you looking for? Just anything?

Anonymous said...

i dig your hair. very you. what with all your previously wacky haircuts haha!

what kind of breakthrough? how bout just everything? :P

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm impressed with the sand castles!
Were they really built in Singapore's East Coast beach ?

So, Singaporean do build sand castles ??! I'm pleasantly surprise to discover that the hardworking, practical, time-conscious Singaporean actually do find time to display their creativity and have some fun.

Unknown said...

Yes! you can actually find the castles built near the East Coast Hawker Centre. There is this guy there who runs a company to teach people how to build with specialised tools. I think his name is Alvin if I still remember correctly. He is there ever Saturday from 3pm onwards I think.

You can find out more at his website here