Friday, September 07, 2007

A new apple Touches down

Introducing the brand new iPod Touch. It's everything we expected and pretty close to what the rumours said it would be. 3.5 inch wide touchscreen, cover flow, iPhone's multi-touch interface, WIFI, possibly bluetooth, Safari web browser, iTunes store over WIFI and Youtube functionality. Apple even has a special tie-in with Starbucks which allows you to preview and buy all those cool songs they play at your favourite coffee place, though they made no mention of this service ever reaching the world outisde of the US of A. How typical of Apple. They should realise by now they are an International product! We pay as much but have no access to iTunes store and Starbucks music. Pity too that with such a gorgeous screen, the iPod Touch maxes out at 16Gb. Not for playing DVD movies I guess.

Go watch Steve Job's keynote speech. It's quite hilarious how he enthuses about everything - especially when he talks about being able to buy a song and pay 99 cents more to use it as a ringtone. Most phones today allow you to do that by just playing an mp3 clip that you can put together from a simple free-to-download audio software. How is paying 50% more for a song I already paid for, just so to convert it into a 30sec ringtone, anything but a rip off and not cool or amazing at all. Don't get me wrong, I love apple products for their attention to design detail and user experience but this sure looks like a scam to me! More gorgeous pics after the break.

Photos from

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