Wednesday, September 05, 2007


The 7 year old surgeon - Akrit Jaswal

Remember in school, how some people just stood out because they were overachievers? They topped the school every year, did the maximum subjects available and somehow managed to come in tops in most of them. These are the people who kept you wondering if they had a life or if they spent every second that they had mugging away. Well, the young kids in the following videos certainly give the word overachiever a whole new meaning.

What amazes me most about these true-life stories though, is the potential that each of the young kids have. Imagine... that and more lies within each human being. It makes you wonder what the human potential is really capable of, if all limits were taken off. Scientists tell us we use between 3-5% of our brains only. What would 100% be like? I'm sure the effect would not just be mental but also physiological. Perhaps all that is being shown in the hit TV series Heroes isn't that far fetched after all. If you believe in God, this must sure be evidence of his awesomeness. Wow.
More gifted kids after the break.

The Boy Who Sees Without Eyes

The Four Year Old who Ran Forty Miles

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