Friday, July 07, 2006

Touching Triathlon - A Father's love

Found this on Youtube. This video is about a father's love for his son which pushed him to enter the triathlon games even though he's not an athlete....
If a human father can do this for his son, imagine how much more God's love is for us.


Anonymous said...

Awesome triathlon video. I am currently training for half the distance that this guy did and he carried his son round. The tears flowed from my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Yes.. It was very touching.

Anonymous said...

Hi DaveO, where do I know you from?

Anonymous said...

Hi! Don't know if you still remember me ... I'm Janis from your South Africa mission trip (together with Jasmine, Yvonne and Mahesh) eons ago. :) Chanced upon your blog by accident and was wondering if you can email me so that we can stay in touch. My email address is By the way, congrats regarding your triathlon. Look forward to hearing from you. :)