Thursday, November 03, 2005

How Big The Move

This was taken outside Max Pavilion.
Let's look beyond our grasshopper vision and take the land
that is flowing with milk and honey.

We went down to Expo as a G12 after our planning session to pray together. Pastor wanted us to be able to see for ourselves the multitudes and claim it in our spirit even before our physical move. If we read Numbers 14:24 onwards, we read about God saying that because Caleb has a different spirit and follows God wholeheartedly, he will enter the promised land and his discendents will inherit it. Now, exactly what kind of spirit was God talking about?

Numbers 13 tells us that upon returning from their exploration of the land of Canaan (the promised land), the men reported that it was indeed flowing with milk and honey. However, they also reported that it was impossible to take over the land as compared to the people there, the Isrealites were like grasshoppers. All except Caleb, who silenced the people before Moses and said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it."

Caleb saw not the problems and obstacles that lay ahead, but understood that if God is for him, who can be against him! Knowing that God had promised His people a land flowing with milk and honey, Caleb eagerly desired it. He was prepared to do all it took to make it happen. Imagine yourself as a soldier during that time. How would you know Caleb wasn't having a misplaced sense of faith? How do you know that he wasn't just trying to impress Moses with his big talk? I'm sure these could very well be some of the thoughts that went through the people's heads then. Of course we read from the Bible clearly that God Himself told Moses to send the people to explore the land that He was going to give them. And after they started to grumble, the Lord questioned our long they would refuse to believe in Him even after showing them so many miracles.

Well, the point I'm making is this. In many ways, EXPO is truly a miralce given to us from the Lord. The whole set-up itself demonstrates and still continues to demonstrate the favour of the Lord upon His church. What then should be our response? We can certainly learn from Caleb. Let's cry out to the Lord to enable us to see this Big Move in our spirit first. And then, let's work hard to bring the multitudes in. How Big the Move? Wrong Question. I will choose to proclaim instead, "How BIG My God!!!"

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