Monday, August 06, 2007

Gum Revision

I went through the design of the logo again and revised it a little. This is a version that I might use for a nice big poster, where all the detailing of the line pattern can be appreciated. Certainly not for a small crest on at polo t though. Before you start thinking I am this amazing graphic designer, most of the logo was put together from pre-designed artwork taken off istockphoto. This was a really quick job which required a quick solution.

By the way, Gum Gum probably means "Good together", or "Can click together". Then again, it could be someone with a penchant for repeating words in a sentence. In that case, it would go something like this, "Hey dude, do you have and chewing gum gum with you? I'm starved!" or "What's wrong with your gum gum? It's chao ji red lah. Better go see a gumtist." Or so I think...

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