Thursday, October 12, 2006

House Moving

It's a dread to move house. There is so much to pack, so many decisions of what to keep, what not to (in the end, I keep most and decide that I will only throw those that can't fit into my new room). Here's a picture of my room now....

My hurricane-runned-through room

My brother's room.

Boxes and boxes of books and more books!

Yet, it's kind of exciting. New place, new view, new facilities, the beach nearby, Parkway Parade down the road, Kenny's house just opposite. I was just thinking about my mixed feelings of moving, together with losing all my photos. I can sort of imagine how the residents who were relocated due to Singapore's early conservation efforts in places like Chinatown and Kampong Glam, must feel. The unsettling feeling of losing that which is familiar, that which is so much part of your memories.

It's not that you lose a part of yourself, but rather, you fear the loss of those memories. The memories that are precious to you. Losing them, would mean losing something that was once part of your life. And for people who have lost a dear friend or family, the feeling is more real than ever.

I believe memories are important to preserve. And more should be done to do it sensitively in a economically driven nation such as Singapore.

However, I have also learnt that there is a need to move on with life. I remember this quote, "Live your life as if it is your last day." Would you worry about all these if today was your last day on the earth? Probably not. If you were to see your life on the earth as but a tiny fraction of your life in eternity, then you realise that while memories are important, they are never really lost, neither will you be able to bring your photos and stuff along with you when you physically die.

I suddenly realise a little more what Jesus meant when he said in Matthew 16:24, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." If Jesus were to ask me to drop everything today and go where He says, would I be ready to do so? Matthew 8:18-22 talks about the cost of following Jesus. "Let the dead bury the dead" he says. Indeed, to follow Him at all cost is a tough call. Yet, when you have experienced the reality of God in your life, it is not too difficult a decision to make. Do you know this Jesus that I am willing to give up all for? Go find out today.

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