Monday, October 30, 2006

Punkster Repackaged

A good friend of mine took this photo in Japan while doing a little shopping. She thinks I look a lot like that. Ha ha. Well, what can I say? One has to look like a punkster if one wants to be known as punkster. Right? Heh.

Still another close friend took the photo below while on a business trip to spain. Now THAT has got to be the biggest vending machine I have ever seen! This gigantus monster of a machine was spotted at a train station in Barcelona. According to my friend, it sells almost anything you could ever want in the middle of the night when there are no stores opened - Snacks, sweets, drinks, milk, even toothpaste! Now, this must be the 6th time I am re-writing this part of my blog as Firefox 2.0 keeps hanging on me halfway. Don’t believe Mozilla when they say that it should be bug free since it is the final release version. Come one now Mozilla, we expect much better of you than this. I have given up on trying to make it peacefully through one blog entry post and am writing this in Word instead.

Back to the vending bigamachine. You actually pay for your food via an ATM-like counter by the side. Now why don’t we have this in Singapore yet?! We could stock it up full of Twistees, Yam Yams, Collons, Tim Tams, Pokka fruit teas and what not! There could even be magazines (for when you have to wait 30 min for a friend), tissue paper (for those late night emergencies of the bowel kind), and handyplasts! (just in case you bang into a tree due to the poor visibility caused by the haze.) Man, we could even throw in a microwave machine and a freezer compartment for frozen packed food! And since the counter probably receives many loose change, it could double-up as a coin exchange machine too!

Now THAT’S what I call a convenience stall! (do I hear the 7-eleven bosses screaming “Kelong’ already??!) Ha Ha!


jo c said...

oh man... that IS you hahaha!

great minds think alike... even before i scrolled down, as i was reading bout the giant vending machine, i too was thinking to myself now that's convenience. and i should know... afterall i work in convenience retailing haha! and no, not 7-eleven...

es said...

Hey, then again I am not sure if this vending machine is open 24 hours cos it is located in the underground Metro station. Trains there stop at around midnight and they probably close the station. But it was really cool!!

Anonymous said...

maybe they could sell zara and topman clothes this way too! ha ha.